In our apartment we can step out onto the roof, which by the way is Elder Hatch's favorite place to be. We can look at the Congo River and all the city around us. We can see many wonderful people coming and going. I love to watch people, Ben loves to watch the river and the sky. It is a peaceful place to hang out. We happened to be out there looking at our little garden we have planted and well this sunset was very pretty so I thought I better grab a picture of it. We are very proud of our little garden. Elder Hatch tenderly plants the seeds and waters and cares for them very often. I think he has watched every millimeter they have grown. We have had tradgedy 2 times now, those birds have eaten our tender plants! We came up with a bird prevention idea. We cut up our mosquito net and covered our plants. (Don't worry we have a new mosquito net) I hope we have solved this problem. We now have blossoms that will soon be cucumbers and little tomato plants started. We hope to have some peppers coming up soon. They are being tricky. We are persisting and hoping this next batch will work.
We are looking forward to our harvest in the Congo!!!
good job on planting a garden! i hope yours turns out better than my chilis did.
what a beautiful sunset.
we love you and miss you.
Sunsets were one of my favorite pictures to take in the Caribbean while were on our mission. They were incredible. Good luck on your garden. We'll be planting ours in the next week or so. It's all tilled and ready to go!
We love you and your good works.
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