Let me tell you a story……
Today Ben and I got to welcome in the new missionaries fresh from the Ghana MTC, five Elders and one Sister. President Headlee’s and his wife are at a Mission President’s Conference in South Africa. We are honored we had this opportunity to feed and Welcome in these beautiful missionaries ready to go to work. The Assistant’s to the President were here. There was 3 AP’s because one of them is going home tomorrow. After Ben and I fed them sloppy joes, cabbage salad, French fries, and canned peaches (they have never had peaches nor did they know what they were. They loved them!), ooh and oatmeal cookies, and banana muffins for dessert. The AP’s quickly helped clean off the table and set up a meeting to train these new fresh missionaries. I got to see the behind the scene actions of some marvelous Elders. They are here to do the Lord’s work, not a minute was wasted!
As I cleaned up the kitchen, I could hear them sing and then pray, and then they taught the new missionaries. I was in heaven being amongst this fine generation of Elders and Sister. The meeting came to an end about an hour later and I could hear them singing “God Be With You Till We Meet Again”, it was a goosebump moment, the spirit was strong and then I remembered my camera was in the other room. I had to video this. Caution….this video may cause you to have a tear or two in your eyes.
As Elder Kirongozi was leaving after the meeting, he told me in his French/English he was excited to go home to bear his testimony to his Ward and tell of his love for the Savior. He said, “I would love to see you again….maybe it will have to be on the next life”. I just wanted to hug him…it was so sincere, he meant what he said. He will be going home tomorrow. I will miss him
Another side note….they liked the Sloppy Joes, they love cabbage because that is one thing everybody eats here, and not one fry was left over, cuz they took them with them even though they were cold and well, we would “chuck” them, but they won’t! They smiled and patted their tummies as they left. That was a Tender Mercy moment for me. I smiled and patted my tummy too!
(I will have to do the video on another day because it is too large to download and I have to put it on youtube and well....I am out of time. Just know it will one day randomly show up on this blog and I promise it is worth waiting for.)
Great story! I am excited to see the video when you put it up on here! :)
can't wait to see the video!
We can't wait to see it either.
"let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance to see the salvation of God, and for his arm to be revealed"-We liked that one
Love you
I cant wait to be as cool as you guys and serve a mission with my wife!!! I am envious of your amazing experiences, and I know you will have a plethora more.
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