It's been 9 months since we left
Aztec. NM. We are happy and enjoying every minute serving our mission here in the
DRCongo Kinshasa Mission. The Lord has blessed us with many opportunities to serve and to be taught. We are both so thankful we listened and acted on what seemed impossible. The way has been provided. The Lord has blessed us and our children. Many thanks to my hardworkng children who are making it possible to serve!
Reilly is also serving his mission right now....He is doing fantastic and loving every minute as he serves.
Thank you all for your prayers. Thank you for your support.
Elder Hatch and I's recipe for happiness is:
Increase your Faith and
Serve a Mission!
(Matthew, I am sure that is improper English)
i seriously can't believe it has been 9 months!
i am glad you listened to the spirit and were able to make this happen in your life right now. you and dad are amazing examples to us all.
love you!
Yes, 9 months. Halfway! Crazy.
That is a great recipe for happiness! I just read an article about happiness in the June Ensign from Elder Cook. Happiness truly is the object and design of our existence, as Joseph Smith said, and I am so glad you two are finding happiness in all the right places. We love and miss you!
You've had a wonderful 9 months appreciating and experiencing the joys of missionary work. The next 9 months you're going to wonder where they went also. We love you and know the people there love you too.
9 months! wow!
I'm glad you went too! Our whole fam ily has reaped the blessings from it.
You have been such an inspiration. I love seeing your experiences here. I do look forward to when Milt and I can serve a mission too.
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